Rolling aluminium

Dan Vals has extensive experience with rolling aluminium – in several shapes and sizes. Furthermore, we always enter into a task professionally, so we ensure that the solution and the item are a perfect match to your needs and wishes.
Our aluminium rolling services ensure rolling that satisfies all your requirements.
Experience the benefits of aluminium rolling
Aluminium rolling gives you a smooth surface that is shaped and rounded to your exact specifications. Dan Vals is able to set up our rotating rollers so that all the final dimensions are a perfect fit to your project. This would not be the case, for example, with welding, which does not produce the same smooth surface.
In addition to specifying and setting the exact measurements and dimensions, we can also shape many types of common materials, including tubing and sheets, so that the items are custom-made just for you.
How we customise aluminium rolling processes
We always make sure that your specific needs and requirements are clarified before we start working on an order. This ensures that the final product is exactly what you need. Once the dimensions and material are in place, we can then roll the aluminium to fit.
Dan Vals has 6,500 square metres of capacity, which means that we have room for large series dimensions as well as being able to work on smaller and one-off projects too. In concrete terms, this means that we have space to store and work with exactly the amount of aluminium that you need to have rolled.
Dan Vals: Professional advice and personal solutions
Our many years of experience have given us extensive expertise in profile rolling of metals, which means that we always have know-how about all types of material qualities and rolling methods. If you work with stainless steel, for example, we can offer rolling of ordinary steel and bending of steel.
Are you interested in finding out more about our methods, machinery and approaches? Or do you require a specific offer? We would be pleased to have a no-strings chat with you about your various options.
See contact details here.